Yes, we lived in Medellín, from about 1969-1972. It is commonly called the land of eternal spring. Indeed the climate is very agreeable year around. More often, Medellìn brings to mind drug cartels and Pablo Escobar. Duane & I now know a lot more about Colombia´s side of the cocaine story. I could write quite a bit ... about how it has likely increased the standard of living for a large number of Colombians... I could relay the frustration that many have that there is still so much money tied up in fighting a hopeless war... But, I will just say one thing and then get on with pictures: to think of any drug as a ¨recreational drug¨ when it has had and continues to have so much blood shed, pain and suffering in the countries from which it originates is a terrible misnomer.
Like many large cities (2.5 million), Medellìn has a lot of contrasts: modern-old time, clean-dirty, beautiful-ugly, etc. In comparison to Bogota, the capital, Medellìn actually seemed cleaner, safer and more modern. I also found the people of Medellìn to be more friendly than anywhere else in Colombia. More than once perfect strangers asked if they could help us with directions. One girl insisted on walking us to the park we were trying to find.
Part of the modern feeling of Medellìn is due to the integrated metro and cable car transportation system. |
Underneath the modern cable car... |
A new bus system is under construction that will feed into the metro. Meanwhile, these dedicated lanes are great for biking. |
Very close to where we stayed is a huge sports complex that has facilities for every sport imaginable - available for use by residents of Medellìn. It was VERY impressive. |
Cars stopped at lights are frequently the target of some sort of attempt to make money - whether it is by entertainment or selling of goods. |
The main Medellìn cemetery. |
Flower vendors outside the cemetery. |
At the botanical gardens. |
Home of Fernando Botero - the voluminous prone artist - Medeillìn has quite a collection of his works. |
There is definitely more of an effort toward recycling than I expected. |
It was fun to be there during Halloween. |
A row of shoeshiners. I don´t think it is as common, but it hasn´t disappeared. |
Cooking in our hostal. |
Right next to our hostal was the large and popular supermarket (plus computers, plus washing machines, etc.). |
In the streets right outside the supermarket there were still street vendors. |
Even in the middle of modern Medellìn here are couple of cows on the loose. |
The house where one of our fellow missionary´s kids from back in the day now lives. We ended up moving from the hostal and staying with her and her family for about a week. ...And the dog in the foreground chased those two cows that are in the previous picture. Duane & I then ran after the dog to try to make sure it would come home and not get run over.
A rainy afternoon at the artesan´s market. |
Brenda, Jenine & me - trying to stay out of the rain.
Lunch somewhere near Jenine´s. |
These picture may not do justice, but the clouds in Colombia are amazing - something I remember from childhood. |
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